Friesheim braucht Zukunft...

…mit einer belebten Weißen Burg-duplicate-1

So it is today:
The White Castle is known beyond the limits of Friesheim and can certainly be named as a striking landmark. But the condition has by no means improved in recent years. At first there was no longer the popular castle festival and then the castle lost its last inhabitants. In the meantime the water in the moat has also disappeared, even though it is a ground monument and the castle rests on wooden stakes that have always stood in the soaked earth.

This is how it should be:
It was all the more gratifying when the castle changed hands and he announced that he wanted to invest here in Friesheim. There are so many wonderful old square courtyards that have been brought back to life through renovation. Why shouldn’t this also be possible with the White Castle? It is clear to all of us that such a renovation is an expensive undertaking due to the requirements of the monument protection and the requirements for living space that apply today. Politicians have therefore agreed to give the investor building rights on the opposite meadow. Housing is to be built here. We should all work together to ensure that this project can be implemented successfully. The investor should present his plans for the area as soon as possible.

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Friesheim braucht Zukunft...


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Zum Video 01

…mit Möglichkeiten zum Einkaufen

Die Errichtung eines Lebensmittelmarktes in Friesheim hat für mich oberste Priorität. Wir alle möchten endlich wieder im Ort unseren täglichen Einkauf erledigen können.

Zum Video 02

…mit einer belebten Weißen Burg

Eine kernsanierte Weiße Burg bringt eine neue Klientel in unser Dorf und könnte das attraktive Gesicht im Kern unseres Dorfes werden. Dieses Stück Historie muss so schnell wie möglich belebt werden und vielleicht gibt es dann in naher Zukunft auch das geliebte Burgfest wieder.

Zum Video 03